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Open Source ReplayNK

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ReplayNK - MCBE Nukkit-MOT 平滑镜头插件


ReplayNK是为基岩版PowerNukkitX平台开发的平滑镜头模组,基于MCBE 1.20.0最新的Camera API开发
本仓库是与 Nukkit-MOT 兼容的修改版。





1. 安装插件

在Github Release下载最新的插件jar包,放入Nukkit-MOT的插件文件夹内,重启服务器即可。插件所需资源包已内置到插件中,你不需要额外安装资源包。


2. 命令

插件可用命令列表如下,你也可以输入/help replaynk来获取命令帮助

/replaynk create <name> - 创建一个新的轨迹预设

/replaynk remove <name> - 删除一个新的轨迹预设

/replaynk operate <name> - 开始操作一个轨迹预设

/replaynk list - 列出所有的轨迹预设

3. 操作指南

以下是进入操作模式(/replay operate)后你的物品栏将会出现的一些东西,我们将从左往右介绍


Add Marker - 添加标记点


Remove Marker - 删除标记点


Edit Marker - 编辑标记点


Marker Picker - 选取标记点


Play - 播放


Pause - 停止播放


Setting - 轨迹设置


Exit - 退出操作模式



Q: 为什么我感觉运镜还是很卡顿?

A: 由于客户端限制,在运镜速度过高/标记点间距过小的情况下会出现卡顿现象,我们已经尽量优化了。你可以通过减小镜头速度或者增大标记点间距来改善这个问题

Q: 为什么播放结束了我的镜头却没有复位?

A: 这可能是由于发包过快导致的。你可以通过使用命令/camera @s clear来解决此问题

ReplayNK - MCBE Nukkit-MOT camera plugin


ReplayNK is a camera plugin developed for the Bedrock Edition server software PowerNukkitX, based on the latest Camera API of MCBE 1.20.0
This repository is a modified version compatible with Nukkit-MOT.

ReplayNK has made a lot of optimizations for camera movement, making its camera movement smoother and smoother than the traditional /teleportcommand plus command block to achieve camera movement

ReplayNK perfectly supports all available parameters of the original /camera command, and adds a series of smoothing algorithms for path smoothing, such as Bézier curves.

ReplayNK is simple and intuitive to use, with full visual operation, and most of the functions can be activated with one click of a button. At the same time, the plugin supports Chinese and English dual languages, and will automatically switch according to the user's language settings.

Simple tutorial

1. Install plugin

Download the latest plugin jar package from Github Release, put it into the plugin folder of Nukkit-MOT, and restart the server. The resource packs required by the plugin are built into the plugin, and you don't need to install additional resource packs.

After startup, the plugin will generate plugins/ReplayNK/trails directory and save trail files in this directory

2. Commands

The list of available commands for the plugin is as follows, you can also enter help replaynk to get command help

/replaynk create <name> - Create a new trail preset

/replaynk remove <name> - Delete a new trail preset

/replaynk operate <name> - Start operating a trail preset

/replaynk list - List all trail presets

3. Operation Guide

Here are some things that will appear in your inventory after entering the operation mode (/replay operate), we will introduce from left to right


Add Marker - Add a marker

Add a marker, the marker is the basic unit of the track, you can set the camera position, orientation, camera speed and other parameters on the marker. The newly created marker will inherit the player's position and orientation

Remove Marker - Remove a marker

Use this tool to click on a marker to delete the marker point. After deleting a marker, the numbers of all subsequent markers will be reduced by one

Edit Marker - Edit a marker

Use this tool to click a marker to edit the parameters of this marker

Marker Picker - Pick up a marker

This tool is used to move markers quickly. Left click to select a marker and move to a new position right click, the marker you selected will be moved to your new position

Play - Play the trail

Right click to play the trail

Pause - Stop playing

Right click on this tool while playing to stop playing

Setting - Trail settings

Click this tool to open the trail setting interface, where you can set the smoothing type of the trail, the default camera speed, playback speed and other parameters

Exit - Exit edit mode

Right click this tool to exit the edit mode


Q: Why do I feel that the camera is still stuck?

A: Due to the limitation of the client, when the speed of the mirror is too high and the distance between the markers is too small, there will be a freeze phenomenon. We have optimized it as much as possible. You can improve this problem by reducing the camera speed or increasing the marker spacing

Q: Why doesn't my camera reset after playback ends?

A: This may be caused by sending packets too fast. You can fix this by using the command camera @s clear

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